In the team of experts, researchers and scientists working on the film is also dr. sc. Danijela Roksandić, Assistant Professor at the Department of Archaeometry and Methodology, Department of Archeology, Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.
Dr. Roksandić with her colleagues and students systematically processes archaeological material and documentation from the field and prepares it for publication and presentation. Processing of field documentation is one of the primary and common procedures that take place after the completion of field research. Documentation processing requires a lot of time because it includes handwritten forms, diaries, drawings, sketches, and other notes, as well as their subsequent digitization all according to the methodology of the profession. One phase of the work includes the development of a geodetic base and the processing of raw data that were recorded with a total station or GPS device in the field. Raw data is then converted to various formats (DXF) so that could obtain a 2D or 3D view of the captured objects in AutoCAD. After that, the obtained data are processed in terms of drawing, marking, and separating objects according to periods and layers. The drawing is done in the Autodesk Autocad 2020 software program according to the field sketch or drawing. The finished drawing, ie the plan, is prepared for more detailed processing and 3D modeling, if necessary.
An overview of the topography of Vučedol sites, from the earliest to the latest settlements, shows that they were located in already inhabited and occupied positions on elevated flag terraces along rivers with a defensive character and fortifications. The appearance of the Vučedol settlement is known to us from the locality of Vučedol, namely the location Vineyard Streim and Cornfield Streim. It is estimated that over 2,000 people lived in that position at one time. The ancient population of Vučedol built square above-ground houses with a floor of compacted earth, which was sometimes renovated in several phases. The researched parts of the settlement show very compact objects, at a very short distance with passages from 0.5 m to 1 m wide, and some objects are also glued to each other. They were almost always oriented in the same direction, in the direction of “good wind”, and they were built in the technique of wooden braid smeared with a flag coating in the technique of home glue. The roofs were probably built of light timber covered with reeds or straw. The interior of the building consists of one to three partitioned rooms with a central fireplace in the main room. Most of the houses had a porch, as protection from the wind. The walls of the houses were most likely “plastered” and painted red and white, especially around the front door, traces of which have also been preserved at the site. There were a large number of waste or storage pits next to the houses. Pits were dug into the floors of houses as storage spaces. House flooring contained a typical inventory of a household.
We wish to make this series maximally based on scientific research as we believe that it will surely complete the picture of life and customs of a man who lived, worked, and created 3000 BC in Vučedol, Vinkovci, Sarvaš and other thirteen European countries where he dwelt.